At Barley Barkway Federation we follow the White Rose Science scheme to teach our science curriculum in years 1-4. White Rose Science is a structured and coherent programme of learning that builds progressively through each year.
White Rose Science provides engaging lesson content in the same progressive, step-by-step method as the White Rose Maths scheme, which has proved very successful in our school.
Practical experiences of working scientifically are integral to the White Rose scheme. We aim to inspire and excite children with such activities so that they view scientific learning positively.
In the EYFS, the EYFS framework is structured very differently to the national curriculum as it is organised across seven Areas of Learning rather than subject areas. Children will explore scientific concepts through the areas of communication and language, personal, social and emotional development and understanding the world. Children will:
1. understand ‘why’ questions, like: “Why do you think the caterpillar got so fat?”
2. make healthy choices about food, drink, activity and toothbrushing;
3. use all their senses in hands-on exploration of natural materials
4. explore collections of materials with similar and/or different properties
5. talk about what they see, using a wide vocabulary
6. begin to make sense of their own life-story and family’s history
7. explore how things work
8. plant seeds and care for growing plants
9. understand the key features of the life cycle of a plant and an animal
10. begin to understand the need to respect and care for the natural environment and all living things
11. explore and talk about different forces they can feel
12. talk about the differences between materials and changes they notice