School Uniform
Our school uniform promotes pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging.
The school colour is purple. Children wear a polo-shirt and purple school sweatshirt with plain grey trousers, skirt or pinafore. In the summer, grey shorts are allowed and purple and white gingham dresses. Children are expected to wear uniform on school trips. We suggest that earrings are not worn in school, and nail varnish is not permitted. Long hair should be tied back.
Uniform can be purchased online from our uniform suppliers mapac. Uniform may be purchased in school colours from supermarkets providing it is in the federation's standard purple. Please make sure that uniform is clearly marked with your child’s name. There is a stock of nearly new uniform available courtesy of FOBBS (Friends of Barley and Barkway Schools).
PE Kit
All children need a PE kit (Federation T shirt, black shorts and trainers). In cold weather your child will also need jogging bottoms and warm top for outdoor games.
Living life in all its fullness. John 10