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Barley and Barkway (VA) Church of England First Schools Federation

‘Living Life in All Its Fullness’

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Snow and Extreme Weather Procedures

The following arrangements are put into operation at Barley Barkway Federation during days when we experience disruption caused by severe snow or extreme weather.


Snow Day Information


  • An email, ClassDojo message, is sent to parents before 8.00am if either/both school sites are going to close or we are operating any site restrictions.  Parents are asked NOT to call either school as staff will be busy and cannot answer the phone.  Calling the school also blocks the lines for essential calls to be made.
  • Information will be posted on the school website.
  • If conditions deteriorate during a school day a decision will be made to close the schools early. An email, ClassDojo message, will be sent to parents to inform them of any changes.
  • If you do not hear from the school, and you have checked the website, then assume it is a normal day and we are OPEN.  If you do not send your child/ren into school under these circumstances the attendance register will be marked as an Unauthorised absence.
  • The Headteacher, and Chair of Governors, also take into consideration the safety of pupils and staff travelling to and from school, and should members of staff who live along way from school have trouble driving because of road conditions, consideration will be given to pupil to staff ratios.


Registration on Snow and Extreme Weather Days

On snow/extreme weather days, it you have received a message to say the school(s) are open but with restrictions, children will not be marked late until after 9.30am. Therefore, on severe snow/extreme weather days children can arrive between 8.45am and 9.30am.  This flexible start will help avoid congestion on the roads and pavements outside school and improve safety.  If you do receive a message then registration is at the normal time of times (8.50am for Barley and 9.00am for Barkway).


Early Closing for Snow and Extreme Weather Dismissals

It either/or both schools need to close early due to deteriorating weather conditions then an email/ClassDojo message will be sent to parents.  The following procedures will operate:


  • Children will remain in a classroom until a parent/carer arrives to collect them.
  • Entrance to either school will be via the main school office doors.
  • Parents/Carers will collect children directly from the classroom.


In advance of the above procedures being implemented we thank you for your patience.  We will always do everything possible to keep the school(s) open throughout the winter without compromising the safety of children and staff.
