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Barley and Barkway (VA) Church of England First Schools Federation

‘Living Life in All Its Fullness’

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Medical Information


If your child is absent through illness, please notify us on the first morning of absence, either by phone or by email, before 8am. This should be followed up by a letter on their return to school. Children who have upset stomachs should remain off school until 48 hours after the last bout of illness.



If your child has a medical condition and needs to keep medicine permanently in school this should be brought into school in a named box with their photo on it. The medicine should be labelled with their name and instructions. If at any time your child needs to be given medicine at school we need written permission to do so with clear instructions as to how the medicine is to be administered. A form is available from the office for this.  Please ensure that the School is notified of any relevant medical conditions and informed of any changes. It is parents responsibility to ensure that all medication kept at School is ‘in date’ and safe to use.

If your child is going to be absent for medical reasons (e.g. trips to dentist, hospital appointments) please advise us in writing (a copy of the hospital/dental/doctors appt card) prior to the appointment.



Most injuries at school are minor. If a serious accident occurs, we will take immediate action in getting medical help, telephoning the emergency contact you have given us as soon as possible. It is therefore most important that your contact details are kept up-to-date and you inform us of any change especially if a mobile phone is changed.

If your child has a bump to the head during the day, we will send a slip home to inform you of this.



We have a School Nurse who organises routine checks for the children.  Parents are notified when these will take place.  Any parents who wish to discuss a health matter with the School Nurse should contact the School Office who will arrange an appointment for you.




Adult lice are usually pale in colour, the size of a sesame seed and live very close to the scalp. They have six legs and walk from one person to another when there is head to head contact.

Eggs are cream/brown in colour and the size of a sugar grain.

Nits are empty cases, white in colour and stick to the hair.

Head lice do not cause any serious health problems, but if left untreated the lice will cause the scalp to itch and the lice may be passed on to other people.

Head lice infection is present if an actual living, moving louse is found.



Twice weekly combing with a nit comb will help to prevent infestation developing.

Comb your hair in the normal way every day and follow the wet combing method twice a week.

  • Wash hair and leave wet, but not dripping
  • Massage a generous amount of conditioner into the hair
  • Comb hair to get rid of any tangles
  • Use a nit comb to comb through the hair in sections
  • Comb from the roots, ensuring that the comb touches the scalp to hair end
  • Any lice found should be removed after each stroke of the comb by wiping the comb on a clean tissue
  • Finish combing and rinse hair
  • Dry hair in the normal way


It is important to repeat the wet combing method twice a week, as head lice are able to breed once they are a week old.   Head lice can live for 40 days and will lay up to 8 eggs per night.

If you require any further information you may find the following website helpful.
