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Barley and Barkway (VA) Church of England First Schools Federation

‘Living Life in All Its Fullness’

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Late/Absence Procedures

Illness or Injuries

If your child is ill and cannot attend school, please contact the school before 9am, preferably by phone (01763 848281, or and state the child’s name and class and reason for absence.  You should contact the school each day your child is ill.


Children suffering from stomach bugs or similar illnesses should not return to school until 48 hours after the last instance of vomiting or diarrhoea.

Absence During Term Time

Schools are only able to authorise absence from school in exceptional circumstances. In making a request for an authorised absence from school you need to explain why you feel that the circumstances are exceptional.


Please note there is no right to authorise absence for a family holiday. If you take your child out of school without permission the absence will be unauthorised and we may refer the matter for consideration of legal action. You will need to explain why you are applying for an authorised absence and the circumstances which make your application exceptional, and why the leave cannot be taken within the normal 13 weeks annual holiday your child already has from school.

Living life in all its fullness. John 10


